Trying Something New.

Hey Everyone!

So…. its been a while. Sure its been a while since I’ve posted, but its been even longer since I posted something about this subject. Are you ready? Here it comes……

My health! Yeah that’s right. I almost forgot the whole reason I started this thing. I’ve been so wrapped up in school and beauty blogging that I needed to be reminded to get back on track.


My jeans had no problem reminding me...

For real though, I’m still in the same pair of jeans. I should be a size smaller by now.

So what does that mean?! It means whatever I am doing is just not working and I need to change it.  I mean that is the reason why I started this blog, right?! To keep me honest and in check. It just took me a minute to remember that.

Well reality check time! Sure I’ve lost 7lbs but it is very slow moving progress. I should be in the next size down by now. So what do I do now?

Well, my wonderful bestie told me about an awesome app. That is the most convenient fit for my lifestyle. An app is easy, simple, perfect for on-the-go.
It’s called My Fitness Pal – Calorie Counter. They have it for apple, android, and online and the best part……its free! So not only does it allow you to track food and exercise but you can also connect other fitness apps and connect with friends and family that are also using it. The food tracking is easy enough with pre-added foods and there’s a barcode scanner for added convenience. It breaks it down by nutritional catagories and gives you recommended amounts based on your goals. Sure, it’s only been a day but so far I think this is something easy enough I can stick with as long as it helps me kick things into gear.

I promise to keep you updated!

Have you tried this app? Do you have any others that you love? Any tips and tricks?! Leave me some love ♥♥

The Most Difficult Thing So Far.

At this very moment I am not feeling too awesome. And here’s why….

The past week and a half or so I haven’t been doing anything. Seriously — I haven’t been to the gym. I haven’t been walking. I’ve been slightly slacking with the healthy recipes. It’s been terrible.

I’ve been stagnant. I haven’t taken any steps backward but I also haven’t made any progress. This is frustrating.

I truly believe that the spot I am in right now is the point during which others decide to quit. But they don’t just say I am quitting. They just casually keep skipping days and do nothing to motivate themselves back to better habits.

This is one of the turning points.

Sure I can give you my excuses. I have had a crazy few weeks with school and it’s only going to get worse. But like I said before, I will NOT let my excuses get in the way. It’s about me.

So this is my advice.



The proverbial horse of course. A few things that have helped me…..

  • Download a new workout app. I love setting up new apps and trying new things. I recently downloaded a couch-to-5k app. And I am planning on trying it within the next few days.  Maybe tomorrow? I’ll let you all know what I think.  So far it seems to take things slow and you can customize your “trainer” based on who you want talking to you and motivating you.
  • Friend accountability. Tell someone you’re slacking. Or if you don’t want to, just tell them to meet you at the gym. I use my mom, sister, friends, and boyfriend as a huge support and accountability system. If I say I’m going to do something they will make sure I do it.
  • Try a different workout routine. Maybe you stopped because you were bored and you need to find a fun workout routine again. Try zumba, yoga, weight-lifting, walking outside, or maybe even a race. Try something different and continue to mix it up to keep things interesting. I love to throw a “stretch day” into my week. All I do is stretch — it is more intense than the normal stretching but it feels great after. **If you are going to stretch please be aware of your limits. There is a difference between pushing your flexibility for benefit and pushing it too far.**
  • Set a clear goal. You are more likely to work if it is towards something. It is better to set small, short term goals. Once you reach your goal reward yourself a little and then set a new one.

I’m getting back on the horse and I expect all of you to do the same.